An environmental management system as guide
The environmental management system at Lund University gathers environmental and sustainability work under one umbrella, and covers both positive and negative impact on the environment and sustainable development. In 2021, a project was launched to more clearly include and support faculties and equivalent organisational units based on their own needs and circumstances.
For many years, Lund University has had an environmental management system at the university-wide level, but investigations have revealed a need for development and a clearer organisation at the faculty and department levels. Roles and responsibilities need to be clarified, the faculties and equivalent organisational units need support, and follow-up needs to cover the entire organisation. This is why the vice-chancellor decided in 2021 on a two-year project to reinforce environmental management work.
Over 2022, policy documents will be produced to clarify what the environmental management system entails at the University, who is responsible for what in the field of the environment and sustainable development, and what support functions exist and what tasks they have been assigned. The project will run until 2023 with Marianne Dalbro as project manager. Faculty representatives have been appointed; you can contact them through your faculty management or equivalent.
About the environmental management system
Since 2010, Lund University has been covered by the Ordinance on Environmental Management in Government Agencies (SFS 2009:907) which states that public authorities are to have an environmental management system aimed at reducing their environmental impact and contributing to sustainable development.
There are requirements for an environmental policy, goals, an action plan, clear allocation of responsibilities, operational procedures and annual environmental reviews to be implemented in the organisation. Every year, the work is to be followed up and reported to the Environmental Protection Agency and the Ministry of Education and Research.
An environmental management system entails systematically linking the environmental and sustainability work already conducted at the University with a clear structure for planning, implementation, follow-up and evaluation.
Despite the name, the environmental management system comprises all sustainability issues, not only those that are environmentally related.
Please contact Nina Nordh, environmental coordinator, for more information on the University’s environmental management system.
nina [dot] nordh [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se (nina[dot]nordh[at]bygg[dot]lu[dot]se)
Telephone: +46 46 222 95 41