Teaching for Sustainability: Serious games as a pedagogical approach
As educators, how can we prepare students to tackle the complexity of sustainability challenges while providing support to navigate the emotional toll that these problems and their impacts may elicit? The use of a serious game may be one such pedagogical approach to address both needs.
A serious game is any intervention or simulation that integrates educational content, skills development, and learning outcomes into a game-like environment that promotes student engagement, critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration. By combining game mechanics with pedagogical principles, serious games allow students to explore complex real-world issues, experience decision-making scenarios, and apply theoretical concepts in an interactive and inclusive learning environment.
Join our interactive seminar to explore how serious games are being used as a pedagogical approach to advance student understanding of complex sustainability issues.
During the seminar, we will:
- Introduce serious games as a pedagogical approach
- Discuss the latest research and practice
- Consider any drawbacks or tradeoffs
- Share known examples and experiences
- Explore the possible use of a serious game in our own learning environments
- Learn from others’ experiences at Lund University
The seminar is interactive – participants will demo the game Biodiversity Collage, as well as listen to presentations from practitioners and engage in discussion with colleagues.
Learn more about the Biodiversity Collage –
The seminar will be in English.
We require registration to attend this seminar. Those that register will receive fika as well as a summary of the seminar afterwards. Spaces are limited to 40 participants. Registration is now closed.
This seminar is intended for programme directors, course coordinators, educators, and study administrators at Lund University. Others are welcome to register, but priority will be given to those from Lund University with existing educational assignments. Spaces are limited to 40 participants.
The seminar will take place at Room O104 in the MNO Building, easily accessible by bike, bus, or tram. The entrance is located at Sölvegatan 16, 223 62 Lund. Upon entering, signage will be visible directing you to the room location.
Get directions to the venue -
About the Organisers
The seminar is organised as part of the emerging community at Lund University, called Teaching for Sustainability, for those educators wishing to receive support and inspiration to integrate sustainability into their curriculum.
The seminar is organised by the Division for Higher Education Development (AHU), the Sustainability Forum, and LTH Centre for Engineering Education (CEE), with support from Léa Lévy, Associate Senior Lecturer at Engineering Geology.
Division for Higher Education Development (AHU) -
Sustainability Forum -
LTH Centre for Engineering Education -
About the event
Room O104, MNO Building (Sölvegatan 16, 223 62 Lund)
In English
steven [dot] curtis [at] ahu [dot] lu [dot] se