Kick-off: Agenda 2030 programme for the Strategic Research Areas

Welcome to an informal kick-off to the Agenda 2030 programme for Early Career Researchers! Take the opportunity to meet peers from across the university, to influence the upcoming programme and get inspired to new scientific ideas!
The kick-off will start with reflections from three invited speakers who will give their take on where we currently are in regards to sustainable development and where we are heading, followed by a joint mingle and discussion on the activities you want us to provide. The invited speakers are Martin Eriksson (WEXSUS- West Sweden Nexus for Sustainable Development), Caroline Sundberg (Lärosäten Syd Brussels Office) and Per Mickwitz (Pro Vice-Chancellor at LU).
Register to the kick-off no later than 4 March: link
The Agenda 2030-programme is intended to become a platform for sustainability competence development, support, and knowledge generation. As early career researcher, you participate in the activities that are relevant to you. The kick-off is a chance for you to provide input on the content of the programme, to ensure that it is relevant to you.
The kick-off is open and free of charge for all ECRs connected to the 11 national SRAs at Lund University and is the first joint activity organised within the Agenda 2030-programme.
About the event
Faculty of Engineering (LTH), Ole Römers väg 1 Lund, M-building, room: Teknodromen
ylva [dot] van_meeningen [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se